Cryptocurrency Mining. How it Affects to PC GPUs?

 Criptocurrency Mining. How it Affects to PC GPUs?

Cryptocurrency mining has made that there is no stock of GPUs (Graphics Process Unit), this was caused thanks to miners that end wiht the available stock of them. It is not well what is doing this people who are dedicated  to mining, they buy a lot of graphic cards, leaving other people without the opportunity  to enjoy that one of these can provide. "AIB average selling prices (ASPs) prices in certain segments (high-end and midrange) have soared due to supply and demand, and a bit of price gouging in the channel." (Peddie, 2017) Here, he explains that the prices every time are higher and higher due to the unexistent stock of  components, and, due to the demand of the people who want to buy one, but, if we know that this problematic exists what can we do?

Rig used for mine cryptocurrency

Well, the actions to stop the cryptocurrency mining have began with Nvidia as protagonist, with the launch of the RTX 3060, the company has dicreased almost completely the Hashrate (Hashrate is a measure of the computational power per second used when mining.) of the GPU of the 3000´s line of Nvidia. But, this does not means that the problem is covered at all, because, even if Nvidia from now start blocking all their GPUs, is missing AMD with the Radeon GPUs, who at the moment have not done anything about it. Meanwhile, Nvidia has anounced a new type of GPUs designed for mining, the CMP line, which seeks to stop the lack of stock of GPUs, giving a light at the end of the tunnel for those who want to enjoy for a lower price the great performance that a GPU can give us.


Molloy, D (2021) "The great graphics card shortage of 2020 (and 2021)" BBC, Recovered from:

Peddie, J (2017) "Crypto-Mining´s Impact on PC sales" IEEE, Recovered from:

Nvidia (2021) "NVIDIA CMP HX" NVIDIA, Recovered from:

bitFlyer (n.d.) "Hashrate", bitFlyer, Recovered from:,per%20second%20can%20be%20performed.&text=For%20example%2C%201%20Mhash%2Fs,calculations%20are%20done%20every%20second.


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